Code |
Product |
Paking |
SM211 |
Brain Heart Infusion Agar - recommended for cultivation of
fastidious pathogenic bacteria, yeast and moulds. |
5x100ml, 5x500ml |
*LQ210 |
Brain Heart Infusion Agar - recommended for propagation of
pathogenic cocci and other fastidious organisms assosiated
with blood culture work and allied pathological investigations. |
5x100ml, 5x500ml |
SM1417 |
Hi Crome Listeria Agar Base , Modified Kit - a selective
and differential agar medium recommended for rapid and direct
identification of Listeria species Sterile, in glass bottles
(Kit contains PartA:5 bottles of Hi Crome Listeria Agar Base
, Modified (100ml each) and part B:5 vials of HiCrome Listria
Selective Supplement ). |
Kit |
SM081 |
MacConkey Agar - recommended for selective isolation and
differentiation of coliform organisms and other enteric pathogens. |
5x100ml, 5x500ml |
SM082 |
MacConkey Agar - recommended for cultivation and differntiation
of enteric bacteria, restricting swarming of Proteus species
from specimens such as urine which may contain large number
of Proteus species as well as potentially pathogenic gram
positive organisms.
5x100ml, 5x500ml |
SM173 |
Mueller Hinton Agar - recommended for cultivation of Neissria
and for susceptiblity of microorganisms. |
5x100ml, 5x500ml |
SM0014 |
Nutrient Agar - recommended as general culture medium for
cultivation of less fastidious microorganisms. |
5x100ml, 5x500ml |
SM091 |
Plate Count Agar - recommended for determination of plate
counts of microorganisms ih food, water and waste specimens. |
5x100ml, 5x500ml |
SM096 |
Potato Dextrose Agar - recommended for isolation and enumaration
of yeasts and moulds from dairy and other food products. |
5x100ml, 5x500ml |
SM290 |
Soyabean Casein Digest Agar - recommended as a general purpose
medium for cultivation of wide variety of microorganisms. |
5x100ml, 5x500ml |
SM049E |
Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar - for selective isolation, detection
and enumeration of Coli-aerogenes bateria in water, milk and
other dairy food products. |
5x100ml |
** On request other dehydrated culture media also be
considered for sterile ready prepared from production