Code |
Product |
Packing |
KB001 |
HiMViC Biochemical Test Kit - a combination of 12 tests
for differentiation of Enterobacteriaceae species. (Kit contains
sterile media for Indole, Methyl red, Voges Proskauer's Citrate
Utilization tests and 8 different carbohydrates-Glucose,Adonitol,Arabinose,
Lactose,Sorbitol, Mannitol,rham Nose, Susrose).
Reagents supplied with kit; Kovac's Reagent (R008) for Indole
Test, Methyl Red Indicator (I007), Barritt Reagent A (R029)
and Barritt Reagent B (R030) for VP Test. |
10 Kits, 20Kits |
KB002 |
HiAssorted Biochemical Test Kit - a combination of
12 tests for identification of Gram-negative rods. (Kit contains
sterile media for Citrate Nitrate reduction,H2S production
test and 5 different carbohydrates for fermentation test-Glucose,
Adonitol, Lactose, Arabi Nose, Sorbitol)
Reagents supplied with kit; TDA Reagent (R036), Nitrate Regents
: α - Naphthylamine Solution (R009)
and Sulphanilic Acid 0.8% (R015) |
10Kits, 20Kits |
KB003 |
Hi25 Enterobacteriaceae Identification Kit - a combination
of 25 tests for identification of Enterobacteriaceae species.
(Kit contains discs for oxidase test and sterile media for
ONPG Lysine utilization , Urease detection, Phenylalanine
deamination (TDA) Nitrate reduction H2S production Citrate
Utilization, Voges Proskauer's Methyl red, Indole, Malonate,
Esculin hydrolysis Melibiose Saccharose, Raffi Nose, Trehalose,
Reagents supplied with kit: Kovac's Reagent (R008) for Indole
Test, TDA Reagent (R036), Nitrate Reagents a - Naphthylamine
Solution (R009) and Sulphanic Acid 0.8% (R015) Methyl Red
Indicator (I007), Barrit Reagent A (R029) and Barrit Reagent
B (R030) for VP Test. |
10 Kits,20Kits |
KB004 |
HiStaph Identification Kit - a combination of 12 tests
for identification of Staphylococcus species. (Kit contains
sterile media for Voges Proskauer's. Phosphatase, ONPG, Urease
production, Arginine utiliztion tests and 7 different carbohydrates
utillization tests - Mannitol, Sucrose, Lactose Arabi Nose,
Raffi Nose, Trehalose, Maltose)
Reagent supplied with kit: Barrit Reagent A (R029) and Barrit
Reagent B (R030) for VP Test. |
10 Kits, 20Kits |
KB005 |
HiStrep Identification Kit - a combination of 12 tests
for identification of Streptococcus species. (Kit contains
sterile media for Voges Proskauer's Esculin hydrolysis. PYR,ONPG
Arginine utilization tests and 7 different carbohydrates utilization
tests - Glucose, Ribose, Arabi Nose, Surcrose, Sorbitol, Mannitol,Raffi
Reagents supplied with kit: PYR Reagent (R043), Barritt Reagent
A (R029) and Barritt Reagent B (R030) for VP Test. |
10 Kits, 20 Kits |
KB006 |
HiCandida Identification Kit - a combination of 12
tests for identification of Candida species. (Kit contains
sterile media for Ureas production and 11 different carbohydrates
utilization tests - Melibiose, Lactose, Maltose, Sucrose,
Glucose, Insotitol, Xylose,Dulcitol, Raffi Nose, Trehalose,
10 Kits, 20 Kits |
KB007 |
HiVibrio Identification Kit - a combination of 12 tests
for identification of vibrio species.(Kit contains sterile
media for Voges Proskauer's Arginnine utilization, Salt tolerace,
ONPG, Citrate utilization ,Ornithine utilization and 6 different
carbohydrates utilization tests - Mannitol, Arabi Nose, Sucrose,
Glucose, Salicin, Cellubiose)
Reagents supplied with kit ; Barritt Reagent A (R029) and
Barritt Reagent B (R030) for VP Test. |
10 Kits, 20Kits |
KB008 |
HiNeisseria Identification Kit - a combination of 12
tests for identification of Neisseria species. (Kit contains
sterile media for Urease production, ONPG, Voges Proskauer's
Oxidase, Catalase, Nitrate reduction test and 6 different
carbohydrates utilization tests - Glugose, Maltose,Lactose,
Sucrose, Fructose, Man Nose)
Reagents supplied with kit; Gordon-McLeod Reagent (Oxidase
Reagent)(R026), Barritt Reagent A (R029) and Barritt Reagent
B (R030) for VP Test, Nitrate Reagents :α Naphthylamine Solution (R009) and Sulphanilic Acid 0.8% (R015) |
10 Kits,20Kits |
KB009 |
HiCarbohydrate Kit |
10 Kits,20Kits |
Part A - Lactose,Xylose, Maltose, Fructose, Dextrose,GalatoseRaffi
Nose, Trehalose, Melibiose, Sucrose, L-Arabi Nose, Man Nose |
10 Kits,20Kits |
Part B - Inullin, Sodium gluconate, Glycerol, Salicin, Glucosamine,
Dulcitol, I Nositol, Sorbitol, Mannitol,Adonitol,α-Methyl-D-glucoside,
Ribose. |
20 Kits |
Part C - Rham Nose, Cellobiose, Meleztose,α-Methyl-D-Man
Noside,Xylitol,ONPG, Esculin, D-Arabi Nose, Citrate, Malonate,
Sorbose and 1 control. |
20 Kits |
KB010 |
HiE coli Identification Kit - a combination of 12 tests
for identification of E.coli ( Kit contains sterile media
for MR test. Voges Proskauer's.4 different carbohydrates utilization
test-Lactose, Glucose,Sucrose,Sorbitol)
Reagent supplied with kit: Kovac's Reagent (R008) for Indole
Test, Methyl Red Indicator (I007), Barritt Reagent A (R029)
and Barritt Reagent B (R030) for VP Test, Nitrate Reagents
:α - Naphthylamine Solution (R009)
and Sulphanilic Acid 0.8% (R015). |
10Kits,20Kits |
KB011 |
HiSalmonella Identification Kit
a combination of 12 tests for identification of Salmonella
species. (Kit contains sterile media for 1 MR test. 1Voges
Proskauer's test. 1Urease production. 1 H2S production, 1
Citrate utilization, 1Lysine utilization, 1ONPG tests and
5 different carbohydrates for fermentation tests - Lactose,Arabi
Nose, Maltose, Sorbitol, Dulcitol)
Reagent supplied with kit: Methyl Red Indicator (I007) Barritt
Reagent A (R029) and Barritt Reagent B (R030) for VP Test. |
10 Kits, 20Kits |
KB012 |
HiListeria Identification Kit
a combination of 12 tests for identification of Listeria
species (Kit contains lsterile media for 1 Catalase, fermentation
tests - Xylose, Lactose, Glucose, α-Mthyl-D-Man
Noside, Rham Nose, Ribose, Mannitol)
Reagents supplied with kit: Nitrate Reagents :α - Naphthylamine Solution (R009) and Sulphanic Acid
0.8% (R015) Methyl Red Indicator (I007), Barritt Reagent A
(R029) and Barritt Reagent B (R030) for VP Test. |
10 Kits, 20Kits |