Laboratory Equipments >> Lab Chemicals >> Ready Water Testing Kits
Code Product
K015 Rapid HiWater™ Test Kits - simultaneous detection of Salmonella, vibrio species and Escherichia coli water samples
K016 Rapid Hicoliform™ Test Kit - rapid detection and confirmation of Escherichia Coli and coliform from water samples on the basis of enzyme substrate reaction
K017 Rapid HiEnterococci™ Test Kit - rapid and easy identification and differntiation of Enterococci from water samples
K018 H2S Test Strip ( S3 ) ( 1 pack contains 10 bottles ) - an onsite microbial water testing method based on the detection of hudrogen sulphide bacteria
K020 HiH2S™ Test Strip, Modified ( 1 pack contains 10 bottles ) - simultaneous detection of Salmonella, Citrobactor and Escherichia coli water samples
K022 HiSelective™ H2S Medium kit( Powder Form ) ( 1 pack contains 10 bottles ) - simultaneous detection of Salmonella, vibrio, Citrobactor and Escherichia coli water samples
K023 HiSelective™ E,coli Test kit - for rapid detection and confirmation of Escherichia Coli from water samples on the basis of enzyme substrate reaction
MS1186 PA Coliform Kit - for the detection of presence or absence of coliform bacteria in water from treatment plants or distribution systems