Setting time By Penetration Resistance:
The method as detailed in ASTM C403 and AASHO T197 is for the determination of setting time of mortar fraction of concrete mixes. The hardening of concrete is a gradual process and any definition of setting time is arbitrary and the method is suitable only on mortar mixture with a value greater than zero. The initial and final setting times are the periods from when the cement and water are mixed together until the penetration resistance is 35 kg/cm2 and 280 kg/cm2 respectively.
ML – 147
Pocket Concrete Penetrometer
ML – 148
Concrete Penetrometer, Spring Type
IS: 8142-1976
It consists of cylindrical spring housing with a plunger attached to the top of the spring. Penetration needle is attached to the other end of the spring housing. The plunger is graduated in 1 kg divisions, to a maximum capacity of 60 kg, which can be read with respect to the top end of the spring housing. A set of six needle points with areas of 645, 323, 161, 65, 32 and 16 mm2 are provided. Supplied complete in a wooden carrying case.
ML- 148.1
Concrete Penetrometer Hydraulic Type
Consistency and Workability:
Consistency is a general term relating to the relative fluidity of the concrete. It is an indication of the amount of mixing water in relation to the amount of dry materials. Workability indicates whether or not concrete can be placed easily in some desired shape or location. To ensure that concrete achieves its maximum possible strength and yet retains its ease of placing on site, it is essential that the design of the concrete mix in relation to the water cement ratio and workability is closely controlled. Following are the methods for determining the consistency of concrete.