Code |
Product |
Packing |
M6161 |
Tergitol-7 Agar Base, Modified
see Modified Tergitol 7 Agar Base
500gm |
FD057 |
TTC Soluction 1% (10 ml per vial) |
5 vl |
M851 |
Tergitol-7 Broth
selective and differtial medium for detection and enumeration
of coliforms.
500gm |
M1255 |
Tetrathionate Brilliant Green Bile Broth
for isolation and identification of Salmoneliae as per I.P
500gm |
M032 |
Tetrathonate Broth Base (w/o Iodine and BG)
see Fluid Tetathinate Medium w/o Iodine and BG.
100gm, 500gm |
MM032 |
Tetrathionate Broth Base,
an enrichment broth for isolation of Salmoneliae from specimes
susoected to be contamined with Salmonellae as per IP.
100gm, 500gm |
M327 |
Tetrathionate Broth Base, Hajna (TT Broth Base)
for enrichment and isolation of Salmonellae.
100gm, 500gm |
M1256 |
Tetrathionate CV Enrichment Broth
for the selective enrichment of Salmoneliae from meat and foodstufls.
500gm |
M413 |
Thayer Martin Medium Base
for selective of Gonococci pathological specimens.
100gm, 500gm
FD021 |
GC Supplement w/ Antibiotics |
5 vl |
FD022 |
Haemoglobin Powder |
100gm |
FD023 |
V.C.N. Supplements |
2 vl |
FD024 |
V.C.N.T. Supplement |
2 vl |
FD025 |
Vitamino Grwoth Supplement |
2 vl |
M125 |
Thermoacidurans Agar
for isolation of Bacilus thermoacidurans from food Products.
500gm |
M788 |
Thiobacillus Agar
for isolation and cultivation of Thiobacilus species.
500gm |
M789 |
Thiobacillus Broth
for cultivation of Thiobacillus Species.
500gm |
M608 |
Thioglycollate Agar
for cultivation of anaerobic microoorganisms.
500gm |
M462 |
Thioglycollate Broth w/ Liver Extract
see B.O. Vaccine Medium.
500gm |
M010 |
Thioglycollate Broth, Alternative
see alterative Thioglycollate Medium
100gm, 500gm |
M009 |
Thioglycollate Medium Fluid
see Fluid Thioglycollate Medium
100gm, 500gm |
MV009 |
Fluid Thioflycollate Medium, HiVegTM
for sterility testing o biologials and for cultivation of aerobes,
anaerobes and microaerophgiles
100gm, 500gm |
M765 |
Thioglycollate Medium w/ CaCo3
for maintenace of anaerobic cultures, particularly highly fermentative
500gm |
M979 |
Thioglycollate Medium w/ Hemin and Vitamin K
for routine cultivation of fastidious anaerobic microorganisms.
Also used for blood culturing and studying fermentaion reactions.
500gm |
M430 |
Thioglycollate Medium w/ k Agar
for cultivation pf anaerobic, microaerophilic and aerobic microorganisms
and for sterility testing procedures.
500gm |
M190 |
Thioglycollate Medium w/o Dextrose
for cultivation of aerobes,microaerophiles,aaerobes and for
fermentation studies with various carbohydrates.
500gm |
M191 |
Thioglycollate Medium w/o indicator
see Diagnostic Thioglycollate Medium.
500gm |
M195 |
Thioglycollate Medium,Linden
see Brewer Thioglycollate Medium,Modified
100gm |