Dehydrated Culture Media & Base Products >> WL Differential Agar TO Wurtz Medium

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WL Differential Agar TO Wurtz Medium

Code Product Packing
M1060 WL Differential Agar 500gm
M410 WL Differential Broth 500gm
M050 WL Nutrient Broth 500gm
M115 WL Nutrient Medium 500gm
M626 Wagasuma Agar Base 500gm
M918 Wang's Semisolid Medium 500gm
M1152 Wesley Broth Base 500gm
FD077 *Campylobacter Selective Supplement 5 vl
M832 Wilkins Chalgren Anaerobic Agar Base 500gm
FD001 *Non Spore Anaerobic Supplement 5 vl
FD002 *G.N. Spore Anaerobic Supplement 5 vl
M1375 Willis and Hobb's Medium Base 500gm
FD045 *Egg yolk Emulsion(100 ml per vial) 5 vl
FD156 Willis and Hobb's Supplement 5 vl
M331 Wilson Blait Agar Base 500gm
M332 Wilson Blait Agar w/ BG 500gm
M129 Wort Agar 500gm
M333 Wort Broth 500gm
M1065 Wurtz Medium 500gm


  • WL Differential Agar TO Wurtz Medium