Dehydrated Culture Media & Base Products >> Stuart Transport Medium w/o Sodium Glycerophosphate TO TCBS Agar

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Stuart Transport Medium w/o Sodium Glycerophosphate TO TCBS Agar

Code Product Packing
M1203 Stuart Transport Medium w/o Sodium Glycerophosphate
with addition of sodium glycerophosphate, medium is used for routine transport of gonocpccus species and other fastidious organisms.
100gm, 500gm
M828 Sucrose Agar for Brewery Isolates
for isolation of dextran producing Leuconostoc species.
M240 Sucrose Free Agar
see Gillies Agar No.2
M307 Sugar Free Agar
for examination of butter as per Intermational Dairy Federation.
M308 Sulpha Sensitivity Test Agar
for testing the sensitivity of common pathogensnto Sulphonamides.
M309 Sulphate API Agar w/o Sodium Lactate
for detection of sulphate reducing bacteria
M310 Sulphate API Agar w/o Sodium Lactate
for detrection of sulphate reducing bacteria.
M523 Sulphate API Broth w/o NaCI
for detection, differntiation and estimation of sulphate reducing bacteria.
100gm, 500gm
M800 Sulphate Reducing Medium (Triple Pack)
for cultivation and enumeration of sulphate reducing bacterium-Thiobacillus thioparus
100gm, 500gm
M803 Sulphate Reducing Medium (Triple Pack)
for enumeration of Sulphate Reducing bacteria in water samples.
100gm, 500gm
M311 Suphite Agar
for deterction of thermophilic sulphide producing anaerobes.
M559 Sulphur Medium (Twin Pack)
for cultivation of Thiobacillus thiooxidans.
100gm, 500gm
M1316 Super Broth
for mass cultivation of Escherichia coli
M949 Syncase Broth
for detection of coliforms in food samples.
M334 Synthetic Broth, AOAC (Wright and Mundry Broth)
for growing inoculum, making subcultures and preparing various dilutoons while testing disinfectants as per AOAC
M1344 Synthetic Sea Salt
recommended by ISO Committee for preparation of special diluents
M562 T.A.T. Broth Base
for sterility testing of highly viscous or gelatinous substances such as salves, oitments and other cosmetic Products.
M100 TB Broth Base
for cultivation of Mycobacterium fuberculosis.
M034 TB Broth Base w/o Tween 80
for cultivation of Mycobacteria when the presence of oelic acid is undesirable.
M1220 TTC Broth Base (Triclosan Ticarcillin Chlorate Broth)
see ITC Broth Base
M189 TCBS Agar
for selective isolation and cultivation of Vibrio cholerate and other enteropathogenic Vibrios causing food poisoning.
100gm, 500gm
M870 TCBS Agar (Selective)
for Selectove isolation of Vibrio cholerae and other enteropathogeric Vibrious.
100gm, 500gm