Biovisual Charts and Models >> Genetics and Molecular Models >> Pteridophytes
Equisetum- Cone Shoot entire
Equisetum- Stem TS on Board
Equisetum- Cone L.S. on Stand
Equisetum- Cone TS on Board
Equisetum- life cycle- A set of 15 models
Marsilea Petiole- TS on board detailed
Marsilea rhizome- TS on board detailed
Marsilea sporocarp - TS on board detailed
Marsilea sporocarp- LS on board detailed
Marsilea sporocarp- VS on board detailed
Marsilea life cycle - A set of 16 models
Psilotum stem TS- Showing detailed structure on board
Psilotum life cycle- A Set of 8 models
Isoetes life cycle A set of 13 models showing all-stages in-showcase.
Fern - A leaflet bearing numerous sori.
Fern - Sporophyil TS
Fern- Adult prothallus with sex organs.
Fern life cycle- A Set of 13 models in showcase.
Fern Rhizome- TS on board
Fern Roots T.S.
Fern Petiole TS on Board
Lycopodium stem TS- Detailed model on board.
Lycopodium life Cycle - A set of 15 models.
Lycopodium strobilus LS
Selaginella Cone LS
117. Selaginella Life Cycle - A Set of 14 models in showcase fully labelled 118. Selaginella Stem- On board