Biovisual Charts and Models >> Genetics and Molecular Models >> Bacteria and Viruses
Bacteria and Viruses
Coccus bacteria models - Highly enlarged set of 5 in show-case
Bacteria - A set of 16 models showing different forms of bacteria in showcase.
Bacillus bacteria - Set of 6 greatly enlarged in show-case
Spirilum bacteria - (A set of 7 models) Highly enlarged in show-case.
Generalized structure of typical Bacteria - Detailed model.
Virus - Polyhedral symmetry - A Typical Detail structure.
Virus -Tobacoo Mosaic Virus (TMV) - Helical symmetry- A typical structure.
Virus - Bacteriophage T-even series (T4) Complex symmetry. A detail structure.
Life Cycle of Bacteriophage - A detail model in showcase. Set of 8 Models.