Biovisual Charts and Models >> Fossil Slides >> Fossil Angiopserms
Fossil Angiopserms
Enigmocarpon Parijai Sahni the wonderful fossil 1 fruit full section excellently preserved.
Veeracarpon Hexaspermum T.S.
Sahnianthus. Parijai Shukla L.S.
Shanianthus Parijai Shukla T.S.
Sahnipushpam SP, shukla fossil flower T.S. with pentalocular ovary and outer hypanthium.
Tricoccites- Single large fruit clear.
Tricoccites- with about half dozen fruits in situ (Peel)
Shuklanthus Superbum Verma the monocot inflorescence with central axis having scattered bundles and numerous six locular flowers arranged peripherally, cut variously.
Rhizopamoxylon- (Palm roots)
Sperganities Seed
Azolla Intertrappea Sahni (Azollites) preserved fossil Azolla
Rodeites Sporocarp mega and micro spores.
Sausarospermum- Allied to fossil Salvinia numerous spores with frilled margin.
Palmoxylon Sclerodermum Sahni T.S.
Plamoxylon Sclerodermum Sahni L.S.
Dadoxylon ResionsumT.S.
Dadeoxylon Resinosum L.S.
Cycadeoidea Stem T.S. excellent
Dolorotheca Formosa
Palaeostachya Cone L.S.
Sphaerostoma Seed
Proto Osmundities
Diplolabis with Trace
