Biovisual Charts and Models >> Fossil Slides >> Cycadoficales
Lyginopteris Oldhamia T.S. stem young with five distinct mesarch bundles and complete leaf base in regular sequence.
Lyginopteris Oldhamia T.S. stem older.
Lyginodendron T.S. Stem
Lyginopteris Wood-L.S.
Calmototheca Stem T.S.
Rachiopteris Aspera with V shaped xylem
Rachlopteris Aspera with 2V· shaped bundles seperating out.
Sphenopteris- Young
Kaloxylon Hookeri-old stage
Kaloxylon Hookeri-Young stage
Lageno Stoma L.S. Cupule
Hateranglum-Young with characteristic Xl
Heterangium- Older with outer seier enchymatous plates.
Heterangium StemT.S.
Heterangium with double leaf trace
Schopfiastrum Decussatun
Medullosa Stem perfectT.S.
Medullosa Root
Myeloxylon T.S. Complete scat tered bundles.
Neuropteris Distinct T.S. with midrib and wings
Cycloperis T.S.
Alethopteris T.S.
Mariopteris T.S.