S Series Products
Seed Germinator - Single
Chamber, Seed
Germinator - Single Chamber ( Day Light), Seed
Germinator - Dual Chamber,
Seitz Filter, Semen
Storage Cabinet, Shaking
Machines - Flask (Wrist Action), Shaking
Machines - Khan Type, Rotary
Flask Shakers - Fixed Speed (Horizontal), Rotary
Flask Shakers - Heavy Duty, Single
Tissue Processing Unit, Slide
Carrying Tray, Slide Racks,
Warming Table, Spectroscopy - Spectrophotometer , Stabilizer
Servo, Syringe Needle Destroyer
Syringe Needle Destroyer
Scientific research has discovered that used syringe
and needle are very dangerous to human which can cause incurable
disease like AIDS, Hepatitis and many more. A unique machine has
been developed by us to destroy both i.e. needle and syringe in
a Safe, Eco friendly, Cost Effective manner.
After switching ON, Insert the used needle to small hole provided
and with in seconds the needle will be destroyed. Insert the syringe
on the top of the machine in the big hole provided with a cutting
blade, just pull the lever and syringe will be cut into two.