Dehydrated Culture Media and Bases Supplement Products >> Lactobacilli Supplement TO Rippey Cabelli Selective Supplement

Lactobacilli Supplement TO Rippey Cabelli Selective Supplement

Code Product Packing
FD098 Lactobacilli Supplement
recommended for selective isolation of Lactobacilli from wine.
One vial is sufficient for 500 ml medium:
M829 Tomato Juice Medium Base

20.00/500 ml
FD099 Trichomonas Selective Supplement I
for selective isolation of Trichomonas speceis from clinical specimens.
One vial is sufficient for 500 ml medium:
M1202 Mueller Tellurite Agar Base - 25 ml

11.75/975 ml
FD100 Mueller Tellurite Serum (25 ml per vial)
recommended for isolation, cultivation and differentiation of Conynebacterium diphtheriae.
One vial is sufficient for 1000 ml medium:
M1202 Mueller Tellurite Agar Base - 25 ml

45.45/975 ml
FD101 Novobiocin Selective Supplement
recommended for the rapid presumptive detection of Salmonella species in foods and feed materials.
One vial is sufficient for 1000 ml medium:
M845 Lysine iron Cystine Broth Base

25.70/1000 ml
FD102 Ticarcillin Supplement
used for the selective enrichment of Yersinia enterocolitica.
One vial is sufficient for 1000 ml medium:
M1220 ITC Broth Base

76.00/1000 ml
FD103 Pottassium Chlorate Supplement
a liquid Potassium Chlorate Supplement for selective enrichment of Yersinia entericilitica.
One vial is sufficient for 1000 ml medium:
M1220 ITC Broth Base

76.00/1000 ml
FD104 Park and Sanders Selective Supplement I
recommended for selective isolation and enumeration of thermotolarent Campylobacter species.
One vial is sufficient for 1000 ml medium:
M1185 Park and Sanders Broth Base
M1185I Park and Sanders Broth Base

28.35/1000 ml
29.35/1000 ml
FD105 Park and Sanders Selective Supplement II
recommended for selective isolation and enumeration of thermotolarent Campylobacter species.
One vial is sufficient for 1000 ml medium:
M1267 Campylobacter Cefex Agar Base
M1185 Park and Sanders Broth Base
M1185I Park and Sanders Broth Base

49.35/1000 ml
28.35/1000 ml
29.35/1000 ml
FD106 Campylobacter Supplement VI (Butzler)
recommended by ISO Committee for the selective isolation of thermotolarent Campylobacter species.
One vial is sufficient for 500 ml medium:
M144 Columbia Blood Agar Base
M144A Columbia Blood Agar Base w/ 1% Agar

22.00/500 ml
19.50/500 ml
FD107 Rippey Cabelli Selective Supplement
recommended for cultivation of Aeromonas hydrophila.
One vial is sufficient for 500 ml medium:
M859 Rippey Cabelli Agar Base

16.17/500 ml