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Laboratory Equipments > C Series > Digital Colony Counters

C Series Products

Cadaverous Injector, Carbon Dioxide Incubator, Chromatography Oven, Chromatography Refrigerator, Colony Counter, Cryoprecipitate Bath, Cryostat Microtome

Colony Counters

Colony Counters

As ideal instrument for counting Bacterial & Mould colonies in culture work. It provides uniform glare free illumination to minimise the strain on eyes and clearly defines even small colonies. A 100 mm dia lens covers the entire illumination field and its magnification assures highly accurate results. Counting plate with standard Wolfhugel ruling ensures clearly differentiated and sharply defined colonies. Supplied complete with counting plate, lens, cord and plug.

Suitable to work on 220V, single phase, 50 Hz, AC supply.

Digital Colony Counters

Digital Colony Counters

These are designed to provide light effects for multipurpose viewing in Bacteriology, Virology & Mycology Labs.

An ideal instrument for counting Bacterial and Mould colonies in culture work. It provides uniform glare free illumination to minimise the strain on eyes and clearly defines even small colonies.

A 100 mm dia lens covers the entire illumination field and its magnification assures highly accurate results. Counting plate with standard Wolfhugle ruling ensures clearly differentiated and sharply defined colonies. Supplied complete with counting plate and lens.

This model is fitted with automatic 3 digits L.E.D. Digital display. It minimise the strain of counting. Each touch of Marking Pencil on the Petridish increments the colony count by '1' and the glowing L.E.D. Digital Display depicts the total colony count, thus relieving the technicial from the tedious task of counting and eliminating the chances of error.

Maximum colony count possible upto 999. Provided with a manual RESET of digital display. ON/OFF switch, counting pencil, cord and plug.

Suitable to work on 220 V, single phase, 50 Hz, AC supply.