Biovisual Charts and Models >> Photographs of Famous Biologists - Onbromide Paper |
Photographs of Famous Biologists - Onbromide Paper Each photo Is provided with printed life sketch of the Biologist with full details of birth, education and outstanding work done In the field ofScience Size 14"x18"Laminated mount (Mounted on thick ply with resin covering) Affred Russel Wallace-Evoluotion A-Luwenhock-Sketched bacteria Atistotle-Embryology Birbal Sahni-Paleobotany Charles Darwin-Evolution Cari Von Linneaus-Classification Dr. Mary-Famous scientist Dr. Bhabha-Atomic Edwin Ray lahcaster-Zoologist George Mendel-Heridity K.N. Bhal-Indian Zoologist George Cuviet-paleontology Lenardo-da-vinci- Fossils etc Louise Pasteur-bacteriologists Le-mont Lamark-Artificial breeding Futher Brufank-Antise Ptic technique Lord Lister-Antiseptic technique Sir Ronal Ross-materia fighter Sir Jagdish C. Bose-Life in plants Sir James Simpson-Biologist Sir Charies Beli-Reflex action Thomas Henry Huxley-Evolution William Harvey-Blood circulation |