Azolla sporocarp VS
Adiantum rhizome TS
Adiantum root TS
Adiantum petiole TS
Adiantum sorus VS
Botrychium rhizome TS
Botrychium root TS
Botrychium strip TS
Botrychium prothallus VS
Equisetum prothallus VS
Equisetum rootTS
Equisetum rhizome TS
Equisetum stem TS
Equisetum cone TS/LS
Fern rhizome TS
Fern prothallus young
Fern prothallus with antheridia
Fern prothallus with archegonia
Fern prothallus with sporophyte
Fern leaf sori TS
Fern sori WM
Fern prothallus TS
Fern Rachis
Fern root TS
Fern leaf with true indusium
Fern leaf with false indusium
Fern ramenta WM
Gleichenia rhizome
Gleichenia rachis
Gleichenia sporangia WM
Isoetos stem tuber TS
Isoetes Megasporophll TS
Isoetos mlcrosporophyll TS
Isoetes leaf TS
Isoetes root TS
Lycopodium stem TS
Lycopodium apex LS
Lycopodium cernum stem
Lycopodium clavatum stem TS
Lycopodium phlegmaria stem TS
Marsilea leaf TS
Marsilea root TS
Marsilea rhizome TS
Marsilea petiole
Marsilea sporocarp TS/LS
Marsilea sorus WM
Ophioglossum rhizome
Ophioglossum root TS
Ophioglossum spike TS
Osmunda rhizome TS
Psilotum stem TS
Psilotum rhizome TS
Psilotum synangia VS/LS
Selaginella rhizophore TS
Psilotum synangia TS
Selaginella root TS
Selaginella leaf WM/TS
Selaginella stem TS
Selaginella strobilus WM/LS
Selaginella microsporangia
Selaginella maga and microsporangia WM