Acris (Cricket frog) Africa
Alytes obstetricans-Male with egg speciexcellent original men
Ascephens- Talied from, USA
Ambystoma tigrinum (Salamander) USA
Ambystoma Museculatum (Spotted Salamander)
Amphiuma (Congo Eel)-(large) Most excellent/specimen USA
Axolotl Larva-USA 6* long fully grown
Bombinator- (Fire belly toad) USA
Bufo marinus-marine large toad Brazil
Cryp to branchus-(Helbander) Most excellent specimen USA
Ichthiophis-Coiled with eggs showing of parental care
Ichthiophis- Excellent specimen w/o eggs
Mid wife toad-with eggs USA
Necturus-(Mid puppy) USA
Newt salamander-USA
Pipapipa-Excellent specimen USA
Pipa American-Excellent specimen USA
Plathdon-Most rare (salamender)USA
Proteus augines-USA
Pseudobranchus-rore USA
Rana catesbeiana-USA
Rana piplens-Excellent specimen
Salamander tiger salamandra Excellent specimen
Siren icerat-(Mudeel) USA
Triturus cristotus-Male with crest USA
Triturus-Viridis cence USA
Tuiturus-vulgaris USA
Triton-Male crest
Xenopus-With pointedhorned claws South Africa |