Biovisual Charts and Models >> Botany Museum Specimens >> Pteridophyta |
Pteridophyta Azolla with sporocarps 1z Salvinia veg. plant Salvinia with sporocarp Fern Prothallus with sex organs Fern Prothallus with sporophyte Fern Sporophyll typical Fern Pteris fertile twig Fern Adiantum fertile twig Fern Cyathe fertile twig Fern Angiopteris fertile twig Fern Nephrolepis fertile twig Fern Glechenia fertile twig Fern Dryopteris fertile Fern Pteridium fertile Fern Botrychium fertile Fern Lygodium fertile Fern Osmunda fertile Fern Blocchnum fertile Fern Pleopeltis fertile Fern Asplenium fertile Fern Polypodium fertile Fern Actinopteris fertile Fern Helminthostochys fertile |